When you place an order, we ask for your deadline. We put your order in our processing queue in order of it's stated deadline. We will notify you when your order is ready for pickup or has shipped. It is possible for us to finish orders up to 500 buttons in 2 business days without incurring a rush fee. The 2 business days minimum production time starts the day after your order is placed, payment is received, all proofs are approved and any other requests are finalized and confirmed. After the initial 2 days we can complete 500 buttons per day. 5pm is considered the end of the production day. Orders needed the same day, next day, or prior to 5pm will qualify for a Rush Fee. Example Production Schedule without incurring a rush fee: Day 0: Your order is finalized (all proofs approved, payment received, etc.) Day 1: Setup and printing Day 2: Orders of 500 buttons or less ready for pickup / shipping by 5pm Day 3: Orders of 1,000 buttons or less ready for pickup / shipping by 5pm Day 4: Orders of 1,500 buttons or less ready for pickup / shipping by 5pm Day 5: Orders of 2,000 buttons or less ready for pickup / shipping by 5pm Example: You need 1,000 buttons. You submit your graphic, pay for your order, and approve your proof on Thursday by 6pm, your order would be ready on the following Tuesday by 5pm without incurring a rush fee. UPS Ground takes approximately 3 business days to most locations.